Legacy jobs
The above statement speaks of your confidence in you’re your skills and abilities; exhibits your flexibility and willingness to negotiate for the right opportunity and most importantly, offers room for negotiation in the event that your stated salary range is not in line with the employers' budget. The mention of "depending on benefits" lets the employer know that you are looking for a long term position. Since the cost of employee training is so expensive to any company, this is always welcome news to employers.
Never include salary range in a resume or cover letter unless the potential employer has explicitly stated (within a job posting or advertisement or told you personally) that it is a required. Adding this information when it is not requested is the fastest way to get knocked out of contention for the position.
Salary is a sensitive and serious subject, and should only be discussed at the interview phase, once you have had a chance to determine what the position entails and the employer has a grasp on your abilities. You are in a much better bargaining position at this time also; especially if the potential employer is really interested in having you join his team.