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How do you find these people?

- Go to your favorite search engine and see which sites come up near the top for your target keywords.

- Check their ESTIMATED traffic ranking at – this site very roughly estimates how popular a site is based on traffic and page views. The lower the ranking number, the busier the site. This is not a foolproof method, but can be used as a guideline to compare websites in similar markets.

Posted by Someone on April

Job search submit


  1. - See which sites link to your competition. Go to Google or Yahoo and type in the following: Just substitute "" with your competitor’s actual domain name. The results that show up will be sites that link to your competitor. You will potentially find some good sites to partner with here.
  2. - Check and the Yahoo Directory for websites in an appropriate category for your market.
  3. How do you approach these people?

Posted by Someone on April

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The common method of many website owners is to send a mass email to entice the webmaster with the lure of commission. Of course, you should make every effort to get a first name to personalize the email and use your Autoresponder to automatically add their name into your email. Include information like their first name, their website URL and any other personal details you can include.

This method will get you the most partners for the least amount of time and effort. Of course, if there are some websites that you REALLY want to say yes, you will need a more personal touch. Realize that in competitive markets, these webmasters probably receive many joint venture requests and yours might be sent to the trash, along with the rest.

Posted by Someone on April

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If you want to be taken seriously:

- Offer to send them your product for free so they can review it – or just mail it to them right away without any expectations. Even if they can’t promote your product now, if you treat them cordially, they might just promote your product down the line.

Posted by Someone on April