Maplestory job guide


--Career Centers.

You may also conduct a search of salary ranges on the internet to determine what companies are paying professionals with your background. Keep in mind that salaries range depending on a number of factors including years of professional experience, education, industry, geographic location, number of employees, and benefits. In order to get your estimated worth as accurate as possible, you will need to consider these factors.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Once you have done your research, you can now enter the salary negotiation process with a firm understanding of the value of your skills in the marketplace.
  2. It’s important to approach the negotiation in a professional manner and for both you and the employer to maintain the mutual respect and trust that you have enjoyed throughout the hiring process. After all, if the negotiation works out, you will be working for the company, so don’t burn any bridges before you start orientation.
  3. A couple of key tips:

Posted by Someone on April

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--Do not personalize conflict. It is important to remember that you and the employer have different interests and that negotiation is a give-and-take process.

--Always be tactful and diplomatic.

Posted by Someone on April

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--Persuade rather than coerce.

--Establish a common ground for agreement.

Posted by Someone on April