Jobs of japan
In 2000, a very enterprising seller tried to sell his soul on eBay. Unfortunately, as eBay requires a physical product to be delivered to the buyer and souls are a bit tricky to pack and ship, the listing was removed.
One of the most famous weird listings ever to grace eBay was the sale of the virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich. Ten years prior to listing the sandwich, Diana Duyser of Miami apparently made the toasted sandwich for herself, only to see a vaguely familiar face staring up at her. She kept the cheese sandwich in her bedside cabinet for ten years before deciding to sell it on eBay. Despite the length of time, at the time of its sale the sandwich had yet to show a single spore of mold (allegedly!)
What do all these weird and wacky listings have in common? They ALL attracted a LOT of attention. And in a market where everyone is competing for attention, that's a big deal. Your listing might have the perfect title, a flawless description, and a beautiful photograph, but as soon as you add that extra ‘something' that creates a stir, you instantly make it (and your business) stand out from the crowd. And the bids start rolling in.