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- Use Case Preconditions.

Document any situations or conditions that must exist prior to the use case being invoked.

- Use Case Post-Conditions.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Document any conditions that must be true or false after the use case is invoked.
  2. - Basic Use Case Logic. Document the main or happy path that the user takes throughout the use case.
  3. - Alternate Paths.

Posted by Someone on April

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Document all paths that exist as the result of exceptions or errors in the main or happy path. - Group Memory.

Document all critical decisions that were made during the creation of the use case in order to be able to ensure that the group memory is maintained.

A use case details a flow of events that are executed in order to accomplish some business task. A use case can be as simple as documenting how a help ticket gets escalated or as complex as defining how a customer gets charged for shipping parts of an order to multiple addresses.

Posted by Someone on April

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The term "actor" is used to define a role that a person or some object plays in executing a use case. The actor might be a Customer Service Representative who is processing a refund request, or a server that processes credit card transactions.

Posted by Someone on April