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Financial report.

Delegate feedback and results of Follow-up process.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Improvement Plans.
  2. Successes. Next steps – A discussion about extending the program.

Posted by Someone on April

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Any Other Business. Always publish an agenda for this type of meeting to allow people to prepare their thinking in advance. A typical agenda is quite simple and looks like this:

Although this is a sensible and courteous precaution, don't expect everyone to read and remember the agenda. Some will appreciate it; the others will muddle through and use their intuition as long as you supply a copy of the agenda at the meeting.

Posted by Someone on April

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Rather than defining a strict timetable, have a rough timetable in your head leaving about 20 to 30 minutes for open discussions throughout the meeting. If the meeting lasts for an hour, each of the presentation topics should only take around 5 minutes which gives time for one or two slides (if you're using them). The time will fly by and your attendees will be fresh and ready to discuss future plans.

Posted by Someone on April