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For about $10 a month you can get a subscription to real-time market news. Get your Real Time Market News at about 6 AM Eastern Standard Time.

Say you find the real time news that a company has invented a car that runs on water. Check the time the news was first released, making sure that news item was not available yesterday.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Buy the stock now with money that you can afford to burn ALWAYS USING A STOP LOSS.
  2. Most electronic brokerage firms today allow you to buy stocks on NASDAQ only as early as 6 AM EST. Sell the stock at 9.28 AM EST to all the traders that are waking up.
  3. You could conceivably double your money.

Posted by Someone on April

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So would you then trade again in this stock after the market opens officially? No,I would not.

Too many mindgames will be played by market makers during the first day with the stock that produced the mindblowing news.

Posted by Someone on April

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Remember the statement above:

Posted by Someone on April