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Aseptic technician jobs typically require qualifications in biology or microbiology up to degree level, and specific experience in aseptic practices. Aseptic techniques are used to prevent contamination, spoilage or unwanted fermentation during medical procedures or production processes.

Aseptic Techniques and Technicians

Aseptic techniques aim at keeping the concerned area free of microorganisms that cause the contamination etc. People are the greatest source of contamination and at the same time, people are needed to carry out processes. Aseptic technician's job is to help achieve desired levels of sterilization in the environment where processes are being carried out and monitor contamination levels.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Use of barriers between people and processes, clean rooms, sterile gloves and such practices help eliminate or minimize levels of possible contamination. The aseptic technician has to be familiar with the practices adopted and must have the training to understand the issues involved.
  2. In pharmaceutical production, aseptic techniques involve mechanical aspects such as ensuring that the equipment, clean rooms and utilities are operated and maintained in a way that lead to an aseptic environment in production areas. This typically requires a mechanical aptitude, and engineers with relevant experience are considered for aseptic technician jobs.
  3. In addition to aseptic practices and industry standards, the aseptic technician will also have to be familiar with applicable regulations so that the person can oversee compliance with these.

Posted by Someone on April

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Who Needs Aseptic Technicians?

  • Hospitals need aseptic technicians to establish and oversee practices that prevent sepsis problems in general and in surgery rooms in particular.
  • The food industry needs aseptic technicians to ensure that the production processes will result in preventing spoilage of products before their expiry dates.
  • Pharmaceutical companies need aseptic technicians to oversee production practices and ensure that the products are manufactured in a manner that complies with applicable regulations and industry standards

Posted by Someone on April

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  • Medical device and hospital supplies manufacturers also need aseptic technicians to ensure that their products meet aseptic considerations
  • Posted by Someone on April