Follow up. At the end of a WEBinar, the participants are usually directed to a WEB page of your choice. It could be a poll for which we offer a free poll service, that includes 100 persons responding a month. The WEBinar report, with all the general information of each participant, is imported on a text, CSV or XML format into your CRM software to generate the contact information. Finally, the recording of a WEBinar allows the presentation any time of a demonstration of your products or services getting the feedback from the spectators through emails.
A WEBinar constitutes a communication activity in which image and message will be combined. This is where is clear the importance of customizing the WEB page of the meeting room with your logo and screen where the title, the lead, of your WEBinar appears. You can even choose some music to make the waiting period more agreeable, before the beginning of the WEBinar. In order to interact with the participants, the voice broadcasting is made in parallel with an audioconference. In this regard, we offer a free audioconference service in which the participants make a regular long distance call with access points in Europe and America. The WEBinars' promotion is done via Internet. We have at your disposition, in our international page, a WEBinar's agenda for you to advertise. The persons interested in participating are asked to fill out a registration form that is deactivated after 25 people registered that maximum number of participants that Conferenceware handles.