Zingerman headquarter jobs
c) expertise in a specific area - you clearly can bring something that no other person on their team can. That's why they called you. As the expert in your chosen field, you can meet your clients needs with quickness and efficiency.
d) motivated to get job done on time, and likely, on budget - your work becomes your reputation. If you take too long, or go over budget, you wont see any future business from your client. However, provide the customer with what they need, under promise and over deliver, and not only will you retain your client for future business, you will get referrals. That's motivation that no employee has.
Now that you know what is motivating your client, you have the groundwork to start to establish your rates. As show in the second reason for hiring a consultant, while your hourly rate may appear to be more than their employees, it actually works out to be less expensive. Any fears or unease that you have in commanding a hire rate than their employees should now be eased. However, how much more can you charge?