Wwgranger jobs
Small business owners can also benefit immensely from Internet meetings. A small business can present a very large and professional corporate image using Internet meetings. Internet meetings, for the small business user, are a cost effective way to grow the business. They can offer long distance sales presentations to customers or update a sole salesman living and working thousands of miles away.
Small business's now have the ability to have global offices - in reality a virtual office residing on your desktop. It becomes easy and cost effective to invite clients from Europe, Africa, or anywhere in the world to join in a virtual meeting. Working with contractors and clients all over the world has never been easier.
Internet meetings are often hosted by Internet service providers. For a flat fee, you can log in via the web and set up a virtual meeting with participants in the USA, Europe, the Far East and Australia. Even scientists at the South Pole can join in via satellite technology. Once you have scheduled the meeting, your meeting attendees can log in via the web at no additional cost.