Anyone involved in internet marketing may think speeches and presentations are not important skills for them, but that is not true. The web pages that grab attention now use audio and video streaming, the face behind the site is going to be exposed sooner or later. In webinars and conference calls, presentation skills are crucial You may have chosen a home based business because you prefer lone working: most people find making a speech more scary than dying! And because they dread it so much, they convince themselves it will be awful. As we all know, these predictions become self-fulfilling.
With a little preparation you can be a killer presenter rather than a dead one - make your presentations memorable, fulfilling your purpose and meeting the needs of your chosen audience. Challenge yourself to take a radical approach to the whole business of presenting with some simple techniques that you can adapt to suit. If you deliver a speech in your style you will enjoy it more, and so will your public. Everyone needs to make good speeches or presentations – if you get involved in network marketing your presentations are key to earning your living. We all see a lot of presentations and some are memorable for all the right reasons – stimulating and interesting, leaving the audience wanting more. Others could at best be used as cures for insomnia, or can make the audience resent the waste of their time. The best presenters deliver a clear message with conviction and work hard to engage the audience, with impressive results. The converse is also true: no amount of technical expertise will help if there is no message in the talk, or if the speaker clearly has no faith in it.
Never overload your listeners with excessive detail: few, if any, talks are purely for information exchange despite what many people think. They are for building credibility, respect, understanding, trust or relationships - but for pure information download they are inappropriate. Of course information is exchanged but not as much as the average speaker hopes or expects. Use visual aids if they serve a purpose, but not as a hiding place. They should support the message in the way that best meets the needs of the audience. Never read verbatim from notes, or simply repeat the bullet points on your slides, because it’s a waste of everyone’s time. If you have nothing to add, then you don’t need to be there!