Tennessean jobs
� And. � Nor.
� But.
� Or. � Yet.
� And. � Nor.
� But.
� Or. � Yet.
A dependent clause cannot stand alone. It doesn�t contain both a subject and a verb. Therefore, it�s dependent on the rest of the sentence. You don�t use a comma to connect a dependent clause to an independent clause. To say it more simply, if one of the phrases cannot stand alone (doesn�t have a subject and a verb), then you don�t need a comma.
For example � The conference call has been cancelled and will be re-scheduled next week.
Whether you�re ending a sentence or checking for FANBOYS, take the time to punctuate properly. Your customers and colleagues will respect you for it.
When sending email messages, it�s easy to get in a hurry. But, remember there�s a huge difference between dashing off a note to a friend and sending a message to a customer or colleague.