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Do keep in mind though that such skill isn't only for selling. It is really a great addition to your life because you will be able to use conversional hypnosis to persuade an individual, a group or even large audience to do your bidding.

Just imagine how nice it would be to get someone to do something for you just because you are too lazy to do it? Or just to do something as you please.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Can conversational hypnosis be used in an unethical way?
  2. Obviously the answer would be YES. To the extent where you can even make a stranger give you all his cash in is wallet at that point of time. If such skill ever falls in the wrong hands, there would certainly be havoc. However the supply of appropriate training is very limited worldwide. Not many people can find the right access to the proper conversational hypnosis training courses. Even if there is one available, it will come at a hefty price tag.

Posted by Someone on April

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How would you know if you naturally have the skill of conversational hypnosis? Every individual would somehow be in a group of friends. Regardless of its size, as long as you know you're the leader of the group, you pretty much have the natural gift of conversational hypnosis. Unfortunately many of us aren't born leaders. This is where acquiring the knowledge and skills of conversational hypnosis will be beneficial.

It's always better to be the leader in a group of friends or in a relationship because things will go your way, which is favorable to yourself. And the best part is your followers or companion will be happy to have it your way. Isn't that wonderful?

Posted by Someone on April

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If you have not heard of conversational or covert hypnosis then it is time to you get to know about it.

What is conversational / covert hypnosis?

Posted by Someone on April