Job prestige
Employee scheduling. Rotating employee's schedule may refresh your employees. However, there is a risk that you may hasten the burning out process. To prevent this from happening, be sure to consult with your employees about the rotating schedule. Put morning persons on the a.m. shift and the late risers on the afternoon shift. Night owls would definitely prefer the evening shifts. This will significantly reduce stress and pressure on your employees to perform at the time when their energies are low. Plus, you will get to benefit from their top performances because they would work at the time when their productivity levels are at their peak.
Employee Training. Provide training on areas that interest and help your employees. If your business is all about computers, train your employees on new programs or applications. A fashion or entertainment business would do well to conduct image consultancy and development training for its employees. Writers would benefit from writing workshops. Aside from breaking the monotony of their daily schedule, the employees and your company would also benefit from this move. You will have more trained and confident employees that are motivated to put their training to good use. Also, widen employees' responsibilities or cross train them. Have them handle other projects than their regular work to challenge them.