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5. Take advantage of available resources. Unless you are a seasoned entrepreneur, you probably aren't aware of the nuances of running a business. The home business opportunity you choose should have a number of resources available to you, so take advantage of them. These resources might include a back office set-up, daily or weekly conference calls, and online tutorials.
6. Key in on marketing. The success of any business, whether a brick-and-mortar store or an Internet-based business, is marketing. The bottom line is, if people don't know about your business, you'll never turn a profit. Take full advantage of the marketing tools and advice that you're provided.
7. Set up a wok schedule. The wonderful thing about being able to work at home is the flexibility that comes with it. However, setting your own work hours doesn't mean that you don't have to work. It's helpful - particularly when you're starting out, to schedule your work hours as though you were going in to a "regular job." In doing this, you'll ensure that you put in the time necessary to make your business succeed.