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Now get off the couch and make 2006 a Great Year!

Well, folks, we've made it to the end of the year and what a ride it has been. 2005 was a great year for me personally and professionally. I saw my business grow almost as fast as my kids. Both gave me great joy and just enough trouble to keep me on my toes.

I heard from people this year who were making tremendous progress building their eBay and online businesses and I heard from others who were just getting started.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. I heard from people who were thriving and I heard from others who were struggling.
  2. I heard from some who were making thousands of dollars a month and others who were fighting to pay the bills.
  3. Some people asked for my advice.

Posted by Someone on April

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Some people asked for my money.

Some damned me because I am successful and they are not.

Posted by Someone on April

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My message to them all was the same:

It's not up to ME. It's all up to YOU.

Posted by Someone on April