Teaching jobs government
You've decided that you want to give up that 9 to 5 and be your own boss. You've decided on your niche and done some research into it. What do you need to do next? Source a product to bring in some money.
There are many websites out there that are legitimate, enabling you to build a substantial business and earn money working from home on the Internet. You could be answering questionnaires for $20 each, reading transcripts of books prior to being published, writing articles. However, there are others, generically called “get rich quick schemes”. These schemes encourage you to spend money that you haven't got with false promises on the returns on your investment. The people who run these schemes (scammers) prey on the naïve or vulnerable and reel them in. Once, you are under their spell there is no letting go. Some, even ask you to pay money upfront stating that they'll double even quadruple it for you!
The auction sites are the worst sites for these people to hide in and wait for their prey. You've probably all visited one at some time, searching for that special gift for a family member, friend or even yourself. The scammers advertise their merchandise, usually something that is a much sought after product. You see it and snap it up, pay, they get your money and you don't get the goods. This happens time and time again.