I pray this article helps to open your eyes to the truth about starting a business and give you the encouragement you need to build your business into a successful enterprise. As you may know, I spend a great deal of time coaching and helping others build their virtual businesses. But the one thing that never ceases to amaze me is the lack of patience 80 into 0%. I don’t know - but I am going to give it a try.
The best way to begin training people is to relate a story to them they can identify with. So here goes . . . In 2003 a person (let’s call her Joan) paid me to set up an online web design business for her. I had experience in setting up the web design business named YouOnLine.Net back in 1998, plus I am on the internet 10-12 hours per day so I can keep up with new developments. Therefore, Joan knew I had the expertise to do the job right.