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Once you have it all written down, talk to your spouse, or if a single parent, talk to your children and try and solicit their support in “making those new plans happen”. If the family has goals, and “everyone” in the family participates, this temporary setback will be brief and the family will remain intact. If there are no goals, or they are not specific, then everyone does what they think they should do and in reality, nothing gets accomplished except feelings of contempt and frustration for one another.

Keep in mind that this has happened to people and families in the past and it will be experienced by people and families in the future. You may find that your life begins moving in a direction you had not originally intended it to, or the changes that take place in you or your family are changes you would not have thought possible before. That will be ok. Again, the most important thing to remember is that you did just fine up to this point and you will do just fine after this. There is a life after (insert you company name here). Sometimes many believe that a power greater than they are found it necessary to challenge them to learn and experience new situations that will further develop their true selves, or the people they were intended to be. Some will shrug their shoulders and say ok, let’s move on.

Situations have a way of correcting themselves in time, but usually not without some direct input from us. What this means is if we are to have a positive outcome, we need to have positive input. If we experience a negative outcome, then we obviously have input negative actions, feelings and or emotions.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Remember, this is not the worst thing that could have happened. If you were not ready for this one, then get ready for the next one. Seriously examine your spending patterns. Take a hard look at where your money is going. Employ a technique called delayed gratification, meaning wait and save the money for the item, or do what is necessary now, in order to have the item or pleasure in the future.
  2. And if you do not have a side business, a home based business, or a part time business, realistically pursue that. There are too many opportunities that are out there for bright people that are hard working in nature, to sit on the sidelines and not be able to participate in the “Great American Dream”. It has happened again, and again in a very big way. I am sure you have heard the news that General Motors has announced they are closing plants and letting some 30,000 people go. Some they will be able to relocate, some they won’t.

Posted by Someone on April

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Ford announced they are laying off over 4,000 people as well. This is all devastating news that we should all be concerned about. The manufacturing sector of our economy is the one sector that provides for our society a “ladder” to allow us to move from lower class economies to middle and upper middle class economies. Without manufacturing, it becomes more and more difficult for families to pull themselves up and obtain the Great American Dream.

Most manufacturing jobs provide up to nine other jobs in the local economy. Think about the local drug stores, dry cleaners, car washes, gardeners, fast food restaurants, independent auto mechanics, and so on, that are going to see their customer base diminish and their services not used as frequently. This will be a direct result of their local patrons no longer have the discretionary income they once had. Most of those that are being laid off will now start to learn how to get it done themselves. After all, they will now have the time. Many will begin working on their own cars, taking care of their own lawns, cooking and eating “in” more often than not.

Posted by Someone on April

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And with fewer “end” products being produced, suppliers and their employees are affected in the same fashion.

Posted by Someone on April