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Perhaps the biggest question you have in mind right now is: Are they for real? The answer to that is yes. A lot of corporations actually pay people to answer their surveys. Why are companies paying people to take surveys? Well for one, legitimate companies need to know more about the product or the services that they offer. In order to make improvements, they need to know the opinions of their consumers and since most consumers are actually in the working class or are studying, these companies give incentives to those who are will respond to their survey. This way, the response rate goes up, the respondent gets compensated and the company now has the information to develop its product even more.
Now before you go off day dreaming to a Caribbean holiday, there are several things you will need to know. Just like anything on the internet, you need to make sure you are dealing with a legitimate business. How do you know it’s not just a scam? Well, when you sign up for an online paid survey, the company should not be asking for upfront payment. The idea is that they pay you for the information and opinion you give, not the other way around. Are you planning to quit your office work and take online surveys fulltime? Well, this might not be a good idea. A legitimate market research firm usually sends out a very few invitations per month since each respondent is screened according to their qualifications and if they fit the needs of the company. Surveys have been around for as long as I can remember. It is most common in political polls, government, health, social science and marketing research. Surveys are used mainly to collect information about items in a population. Depending on its purpose, surveys focus on opinions or factual information.