Planning a road trip this summer? Here are four reasons why seeking the right auto insurance is more important than finding the cheapest.
The heat of the summer is upon us, and it’s finally time for that long awaited road trip you’ve been planning all year. Before you pack your friends, family, and luggage into your car, you should also check your auto insurance plan.
Does your insurance provide security if someone else takes the wheel to give you a rest? Do you have protection for a rental car? Is that trailer on the back covered? Does your insurance cover you out of the country?
These are questions that would not arise until you are in the middle of a highway after getting rear-ended or stranded in another country. Before embarking on your upcoming road trip, here is what to know when reviewing your auto insurance:
- If you plan on alternating drivers at any point during your trip (highly recommended on long road trips), you will want to see if you need to add their names to your policy. If you get in an accident and the driver of your vehicle is not on your policy, your insurance may pass the expenses on to the drivers’ insurance companies. Other times, your insurance may just need you to add any additional driver’s names to your policy in order to cover the expenses. Reach out to a Butler & Messier agent to find out how your auto insurance policy handles additional drivers, and if you need to add your friends’ names to your policy before your trip.
- When you go rent a car while on vacation, you will be asked if you want to add on rental car insurance. Before declining the insurance from the rental car dealer, keep in mind that if you deny the insurance, you are fully responsible for any car damage, regardless of how it happened. Many auto insurance policies have options that extend to a rental car, and your credit card may have some rental coverage as well. If you’re planning on getting a rental car at any point during your vacation, find out what your current auto insurance plan will cover, along with your credit card company, and determine your best option for obtaining rental car insurance.
- Some – but not all – auto insurances cover a trailer being pulled by your vehicle. The trailer will likely already be covered, but when hauling such an expensive addition across the country, the chance of something happening to it is high. If your plan does not cover a trailer already, it is simple – and always worth it – to add on this coverage.
- Predominantly, your car insurance should cover any out of state expenses. Many plans, however, may not cover you if you are traveling out of the country. If you plan to leave the country during your next trip, check with a Butler & Messier agent to make sure you are fully covered wherever you choose to drive.
Before you get on the road, make a list of where you’ll be traveling and for what you will need to be covered. If the worst-case scenario comes along, we want to make sure you have the necessary coverage added to your plan prior to your vacation. Contact a Butler and Messier agent at (401) 728-3200 to make sure you are all set to begin your summer trip worry free.